Field Notes

grilling at Field

For most companies, corporate culture is merely window dressing. To create a culture that encompasses a competitive advantage, both the team members and leadership team need vision, a plan that is executed, and a method of protecting and enhancing the culture.

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5S is a Japanese concept that originates from the 1950’s production system in place at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan. Though it has evolved, the system focuses on cleanliness, organization, and reducing waste/non-value added activity while fostering productivity, safety and efficiency.

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value added engineering

One of the common misconceptions about Value Added Engineering is that it is focused solely on trying to make products at a lower cost. That is one of the goals; but more importantly is a drive to improve functionality and quality while maintaining current cost.

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Field workplace safety

A safe work environment is a productive one. Application of the safety standards in place at Field results in fewer accidents, lower workers compensation costs, less down time, lower repair costs, and less time training new people taking the place of an injured team member.

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training your team on fasteners

Why would someone in HR or IT or Accounting need to know about fasteners? Well, at Field, we want all of our team members to have, at a minimum, a basic understanding of fasteners and fastening even in those functional areas that do not deal with fasteners on a regular basis because that is the business Field is in.

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data driven inventory Field Fastener

Not having a good handle on your inventory needs can lead to excess and slow moving inventory. Without proper inventory management one can watch their inventory overhead slowly climb out of control.

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conflict-free materials

The sky is clear, the sun is hot. The thermometer in the shade of the foreman’s tent reads 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Mamadou, a local Congolese laborer swings his makeshift pick ax at a large stone trying to dislodge a ribbon of Tin trapped inside.

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Workflow process. In simple terms, it’s all of the actions needed to turn raw material into a finished/sellable product. But is there only one way to create a finished/sellable product? No, of course not. There are always different ways to obtain the design goal. I like to use this analogy. How many different methods can be used to turn a wet sponge into a dry sponge?

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Field culture

Field has been in the news a lot lately. Field is a distributor of fasteners and other ‘C’ commodities to the OEM market. They are the best in the industry at providing ongoing cost reduction through both technical support services and inventory management systems.

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review and evaluate

Fasteners are often the very last item that is considered when reviewing a new product design when they should actually be one of the first.

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bin stocking

Fasteners are relatively low cost components compared to other products purchasing professionals, production, and engineering teams manage at manufacturing plants. However, they can be very costly, across functional areas, if they are not thoughtfully and strategically handled.

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