Challenge: Customer's Previous System
- Field was brought in to review a prospective customer’s fastener stocking program
- The setup that the prospective customer utilized required an employed crib attendant who spent his full day shuttling parts from the crib to the different workstations
- Parts were housed in the crib with a 2-bin system
- Inventory was higher than desired
- Inventory accuracy was a challenge
- When an assembly team member needed a part, they would contact the crib attendant who would retrieve the part from the crib and deliver it to the assembly line
Solution: Field's VMI System
- Due to flexibility of lines and the different models made within one day, it was agreed that stocking locations near the assembly points were the ideal system
- 6 centralized stocking locations managed by a Field VMI team member were implemented
- VMI racks were set closer to the workstations to make the parts more readily available and limit operator required travel
- Racks were optimized to hold the parts needed for that work area
- Replenishment levels were customized to hold the right amount of parts for the work area based on part location volume
- Field replaced a crib style replenishment system with centralized line-side VMI system managed by a field VMI Team Member
- Due to Field managing the component inventory, the accuracy of location information along with customer confidence of inventory level increased
- The customer was able to repurpose the crib attendant and down time required while waiting for parts
- The savings reported by the customer was estimated in excess of $50,000 annually

Testimonial From Customer:
“Field is an extremely easy supplier to partner with. They are always willing to do whatever it takes to meet our needs and offer alternate solutions when what we are asking isn’t possible. Whenever there is a problem, question or concern they communicate that to us immediately so a solution can be worked out before it affects production. We value their expertise in the fastener industry and the power of their Supply Chain and appreciate suggestions they have made to us for continuous improvement.”
-Master Scheduler