Kitting and Assembly Solutions



With our in-house kitting and assembly capabilities, we are able to pick and pack your components exactly how you need them.

We handle everything from inventory management and storage to product kitting and assembly and full fulfillment service. 

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Kitting Solutions

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Looking For Ready-To-Ship Sets? No matter what goes in your kit, Field has you covered.

The Kitting Process:

4 Steps Field Will Take To Save You Time And Money 

  • Determine what items will go into your kit 
  • Field will hold and find the multiple SKU's per part and bundle them together in one kit
  • Those multiple SKU's will then turn into one SKU
  • Once completed, your kit will be ready for market and you can watch your revenue and profits increase! 

Benefits of Having a Kitting Process 

  • Improves productivity and labor costs 
  • Orders are fulfilled faster for less 
  • Shipping mistakes are reduced 
  • Packaging is more efficient 
  • Helps control inventory

Let Field Handle the Whole Kit and Caboodle

Once a bag gets kitted, it is weighed for quality and part assurance. You can leave the work to Field and have ultimate confidence that the bag fits your specific instructions and needs.

Need the kit shipped straight to your customer? Field has the capability to brand the packaging for you and ship it directly to your customer so you never have to touch it!

Kitting Solution
Kitting and Assembly Solution
Kitting And Assembly Services
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Assembly Solutions

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Need Your Items Put Together But Don't Have the Space or Resources to do so? Field Can Help! 

The Assembly Process: Field is Aimed to Accommodate your Unique Needs 

  • Field works with each customer to ensure their items are assembled exactly as they request before order are shipped to customers. 
  • This aims to reduce shipping costs and prepare orders in a more scalable way. 
  • Field also makes it easy to bundle products, request kitting, and manage SKU's. 

Benefits of Having an Assembly Process 

  • Reliability- Our process is reliably executed by the Field Team. This process is precise and repeatable. 
  • Quality- Our systems can handle multiple tasks in order to meet your specific requirements 
  • Labor Savings- Let Field handle the work leading to tighter process control while keeping costs down 
  • Yield Large Volumes- Field can produce large volumes for you, which in turn produces greater profitability

Still have questions?

What is kitting and assembly?

Consumer products, equipment, furniture, or other items that are assembled by the purchaser typically include a number of fasteners and components. Kitting involves creating these packages or bags to be included with the purchase. Assembly is putting together parts and components or complete systems that are shipped already assembled.

What is included in the kitting process?

Kitting includes determining what needs to be included in the kit, bundling the items, and creating a unique product number or SKU for the kit. This allows for easy tracking. Our kitting process saves you time and money and eliminates the need to purchase automated equipment to complete kitting at your location.

What is included in the assembly process?

Field customizes our assembly to meet your specifications. After assembly, we also manage shipment to your customers, which means faster shipping and none of the overhead of assembly at your business.

Why should you outsource kitting?

We have automated systems to complete kitting for small and large orders. We also have the tracking systems to code all parts going into the kit and then provide a single SKU for the kit for logistics. Fast, efficient, and low-cost, outsourcing to Field helps to decrease production costs.

Who do I contact for kitting and assembly solutions?

Complete the information on our website form and one of our kitting and assembly experts will contract you as soon as possible.

Let's get started!

If you are looking for kitting and assembly services, look no further, Field can help! We provide customized kitting and assembly design just for you and your business needs. Field understands the importance of having parts in the right place, at the right time, at the right price. We believe our efficient and flexible kitting and assembly process can and will be a huge asset for that! Let us handle all your kitting and assembly needs. 

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